How to stay engaged when working remotely

Do you still work your normal work shift even though working from home?

Or, has remote work blurred the definition of business hours for you?


Whether at home or at the office, there are ways to distinguish the time between work and home life. 

If you are a business owner or a manager/supervisor, you can consider the following and if you are an employee, you can talk to your boss about implementing some of these:

  • Set communication expectations: What are the requirements to respond to messages or phone calls received after-hours? 
  • Set an example: As a leader, do you set a good example by setting and keeping boundaries?
  • Take your time: Time off is even more important than ever. Encourage employees to take time off to disconnect from work. And, if you are an employee, ask for time off.
  • Indicate importance in emails: Include urgency in the subject line, such as: “Needs attention” “Response Needed” or ”non urgent”
  • Promote breaks: Remind hourly employees to take their breaks including uninterrupted lunchtime. As an employee, set a timer to take your breaks.

Have and encouraging a daily routine, set boundaries, and communicate needs.

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