22 New Year’s Resolutions You May Actually Keep in 2022

 Now that the new year has begun, are you thinking that you need to set

some goals or make some resolutions?

No matter your thoughts, reflect on what you want to accomplish in 2022

and set some goals that make you excited. Don’t worry about what you

think you should do, but what you find important and may actually do.

Here are 22 ideas that you may find it plausible to keep:

1. Make your bed

 This was something that I’ve done since I was a kid. It’s a

sense of accomplishment to get one thing done first thing

in the morning and then to come home to a neat room.

2. Drink more water

 I’m still working on this one. I did start to use Liquid I.V.

Hydration to help me with this one.

3. Get outside

 Road trip, nature, the beach, whatever you choose. Maybe

it’s simply taking off your shoes and walking around your

front yard.

4. Make time for friends

 Lunch date or going shopping, make time for somebody

every month so that you stay connected.

5. Paint a fence or a room

 Changing color in a room can be fun. And the beauty of it

is that you can always change it back. Keep in mind that

darker colors will bleed through if you paint over then.

6. Read

 You may think that you don’t have time. However, with

audio books, you can ‘read more’ without having to sit and

read. I’m still trying to get into this one. If you want a new

book, start with Health Insurance Secrets Revealed (yes,

this is a shameless plug for my book).

7. Support local

 Whenever possible, shop at your local restaurants and

retailers. When we all shop local, it helps our communities.

I know this one is hard because the “Amazons” of the

world make it less expensive and convenient.

8. Learn something new

 Try learning a new language, how to knit, or maybe

origami. This one is about new experiences and maybe

finding what you may enjoy doing.

9. Declutter

 This can be to declutter one drawer or one closet.

Separate by 1) throw away; 2) donate; 3) keep and use.

10. Walk every day

 This is for your health and will help declutter your mind and

keep you healthy. I usually run, but that’s because I like


11. Meal plan

 This can help you save money in multiple ways. One,

because you are buying what you’ll be cooking. And, two,

because you may not eat out as much because you have

planned meals for the week. Maybe try a delivery service

like Blue Apron, Hello Fresh, or the put together meals that

you can buy at the grocery store that has all the

ingredients and you cook at home.

12. Send a card via snail mail

 I still have a card in my notebook that I need to mail out to

a client to thank her because she is my running

cheerleader. People enjoy getting mail that is not a bill or

advertisements. Make getting mail exciting again.

13. Reach out to somebody

 Do you have friends that you’ve not talk to in ‘forever’?

Why not sent a message, text, or call to say ‘Hello’? You

never know, they could use a pick-me-up.

14. Hang pictures

 I have hard time making holes in my walls, but I do enjoy

pretty pictures. I haven’t found the best wall hanging tools

that will allow me to move things around if I don’t like them.

15. Fold laundry

 It may be hard to not leave cloths in the washer or dryer

because you may be doing other things. Set a timer if you

can’t hear the buzzer so that you can come back to getting

things out, folding, and putting away. Imagine not having

to iron because you’ve avoided wrinkles.

16. Create a playlist

 I’m learning to use Spotify. Try new music each month and

see what new songs or artists you may enjoy.

17. Listen to a new podcast every month

 If you’re not already listening to Lady G and Mr T, be sure

to follow us on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Find a

fun theme and listen to something different every week or


18. Pay down some debt

 This can be as easy as not going out to eat for one month

and using the savings to pay down some debt. Every

month, pick something that you won’t spend money on and

use those savings towards whatever debt you choose.

These incremental things can make a huge difference at

the end of the year.

19. No snooze

 One thing that I was great at was sitting up as my hand

turned off the alarm. The type of alarm that I had did not

have a snooze and if it went off and I didn’t sit up, I was

going to be late. Try not to snooze because it makes for a

groggy morning when you do.

20. Grow something

 Have you tried having a patio garden or an indoor garden?

Try something easy to grow. I have a brown thumb all

around. I killed mint… you know, the herb and weed. I was

given 8 sunflowers a couple of years back and they all

died on me. Even so, I still try to grow something and one

day, something will survive.

21. Compliment somebody every week/month

 Paying a compliment can make somebody’s day. You

never know how smiling and stating, “lovely shirt” or “great

hair style” can make somebody’s day.

22. “Lazy Genius”

 Kendra Adachi has a podcast and book “The Lazy Genius

Way” book that focuses on being a Genius with things that

are important and Lazy with the things that are not. Her

podcast and book will help you clarify what matters most.

Which is the point of this exercise and I hope that you’ve

read this far.

Invest the time and energy in yourself. That is what will make 2022 a

great year!

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