
With the nicer weather appearing and the feeling of needing to get out, you may wonder when you’ll be able to take a vacation. After all, vacations are to reenergize, connect with family, and bring motivation.


You may have been introduced to Stay-cations in 2020. But, have you heard of workcations?


Over the last 10 years, I’ve taken workcations. And, what’s a workcation, you might ask.


That’s when you go somewhere and take work with you. Normally, you try to leave work behind, but sometimes, especially if you are self-employed,  you may need to take some work with you. And, you may only need your phone and/or laptop to connect to the internet and get things done.


Some of the benefits of a workcation:

  • Work stays up to date – you don’t have to rush to get things done and you don’t have to “play catch-up” when you get back.

  • Gain a new perspective – the change in your “office” with different scenery, change your routine and enjoy the time when you’re not working.

  • Improve your Focus – If you know that you want to get something fun done in the afternoon, you’ll focus more in the morning to complete out the most important things.


Your particular job or industry may not be best suited for a workcation, but then again, is it? Consider it, next time that you think that you can’t take time off because you have a business to run. What would you need to do to take some relaxation time, while still getting work done? Post pictures of your Workcation on my Facebook page and let me know how it worked for you. #Workcation

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