You may want to choose a nice getaway for you and your family. You may want to take time away from everyday life and enjoy some relax time. And, even though you want these things, are you ready to go on an actual vacation?
There are things to consider when deciding travel plans. Even with mask mandates being lifted, each state, country, and airlines may still have restrictions. Please keep these in mind and be mindful when traveling.
Here are some tips:
Choose destinations that are open to US travelers
If you are traveling internationally, you may need to do some research on what countries are open to US travelers. And what requirements they may have for those traveling into the country.
With the changes continuing to occur, stay up to date on where you want to go and plan ahead.
Stay updated on local guidelines
As mentioned, some states mask mandates may be different than in Oregon and Washington.
I recently saw a sign outside a business in Oregon stating that masks are required, even if you are visiting from Florida. Apparently, some visitors from Florida had complained that they needed to wear masks in Oregon. They had not kept up on the local guidelines before and during travel.
And this also is even more important if you are traveling internationally. Some countries require quarantine for 3-10 days prior to being allowed to enter the country. Some, like Australia, require vaccinations.
Be Flexible
As I was looking at vacation options a few days ago, I noticed that some travel dates were much better than others. This is regards to flights, as well as, availability.
Now, more than ever before, flights are more expensive and accommodations are limited.
If you can be flexible as to when you can travel, where you can travel, and time of travel, it will save you a lot of money.
I was not willing to take a 23-hour flight to go from Portland to Denver to Las Vegas for a race for $350. But it was the cheapest flight that I could find. So, I opted to forego that race and save the funds.
Check Passport and ID Expiration Dates
Nothing like trying to return and having immigration state that your passport has expired! OUCH! That happened to me as I check in for a return flight from Mexico. Never again!
It was a bit of a pain, but I did make it back and I didn’t miss my flight.
Remember that getting an updated passport or identification may take longer now than it used to. And, if you are in Oregon, even though you may be allowed to leave Oregon, other airports TSA may not be as accepting to the Oregon “paper” identification. Yes, this also happened to me in Detroit. Good thing that I had other credit cards and my Costco card with picture. Yes, they let me through and I got home, but it still took much more time and energy than it needed to be.
Hire a Travel Agent
The best thing that I did when I traveled to Indonesia was to hire a travel agent. She was able to find me better flights than I was finding (and I am a good budget traveler). And, she also got me overnight stay in Malaysia with hotel and food. This gave me time to explore upon arrival and before I was picked up to go to the airport.
Travel Agents know the ins and outs of the industry and can be useful, especially is you have not travelled in awhile or if you need somebody to do it for you.
Buy Travel Insurance
If you book a flight, cruise, or vacation, you may want to take advantage of their travel insurance, which may cover more than a simple cancellation of a flight or trip. It may also cover lost luggage or unexpected layovers.
With the way things are in the world, it may behoove you to spend a little extra for peace of mind.
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